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How do I earn money online by playing games?

So are you ready to start earning a few extra rupees by playing android games on your smartphone?


The MPL (Mobile Premier League) mobile gaming app has the most common mobile games which we used to play since the smartphone came into the trend. Like, my best timepass mobile games are fruit ninja, temple run bubble shoot, cricket etc. MPL has all kind of these games integrated into it. Everyone can have a good score by practising these games as they are the basic games only. The process is very simple.
What you do: Just Play games!
How much you're paid: 1 Re. to 15000 Rs. per tournament!
How you get paid: PayPal, bank account, UPI.
How much you need to make before cashing out: 1 Re.
Platform: Android.

Or, a real method teste by me, is Eazegames
This new platform just started and gives away free cash prizes to its players. It offers games such as Pool, Color Pin and Tower stack and is available for mobile, PC and tablet.

You can practice the games with the so called ‘EazeCoins’, to make sure you know how to play when you play with real money.

They currently are the cheapest compared to other platforms with a service cost of 15% of the entry fees. 10% of their revenues is going to charities chosen by the players, which seems pretty cool.


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