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How to claim these links.. 1. Just click below links to get rewards 2. Enjoy 3. Don't forget to subscribe our youtube channel for more links... NOTES:- 1. THESE LINKS DEPENDS UPON PLAYERS LEVEL 2. THESE LINKS ARE ONE TIME USE REWARD LINKS:- LINK 1:- LINK 2:- LINK 3:- THANK YOU..

Previziuni 2019: războiul dintre Samsung şi Huawei pentru supremația smartphone-urilor va lua amploare

Anul viitor va marca un punct de cotitură, într-un fel sau altul, pentru unii dintre gigantii de tehnologie care domină piaţa globală de smartphone-uri. Din moment ce zvonurile sugerează că modelele iPhone din 2019 nu se vor schimba atât de mult faţă de cele din acest an și de iPhone X de anul trecut, lăsăm Apple deoparte şi trecem la ceilalți doi giganţi care luptă pentru a deţine supremaţia în ceea ce priveşte vânzările de smartphone-uri. Huawei versus Samsung va fi una dintre cele mai interesante povești de urmărit pe parcursul anului 2019, din mai multe motive. Ambele companii, printre lansările planificate de dispozitive, vor aduce telefoanele pliabile pe piață, scrie Acest lucru ar putea genera reacții care să varieze de la confuzie până la adoptarea în masă a noului telefon cu formă interesantă. Cine știe, în acest moment. Este ceva ce ambele companii - printre alți producători de telefoane care intră în jocul telefoanelor pliabile - vor să încerce în part...

Cum să monetizez un site web?

Salutare tuturor! Mă numesc Georgian Cristescu, și în acest articol, o să vă spun, cum voi puteți să vă monetizați site-ul web / blogul! Eu, folosesc site-ul web Blogger, unde am aici acest minunat site. Eu, îl monetizez, pentru a-mi genera un profit , din ceea ce încerc să fac, oferind conținut. O altă platformă pentru a începe/administra un blog/site web, este Wordpress, care este foarte mult cunoscută respectiva platformă. Despre domenii, ce sunt ele? Practic, pe înțelesul tuturor este o terminare, a unui site web. spre exemplu - , .com este terminarea de domeniu. .com este domeniul, iar .blogspot este co-domeniul. Acesta este un domeniu gratis care este întrținut de către staff-ul blogspot. Practic, g este un domeniu pe care eu îl administrez. Ei bine, unii bloggeri dețin un domeniu plătit, care este hostat de unele site-uri/firme. Monetizarea Monetizarea se realizează prin adăugarea de anunțuri/ r...

Coin Master free spin and coins

Hello! My name is Georgian Cristescu. I am giving you some links for Coin Master, 30th March, 2019 Collect 2M coin Reward Collect 25 spin Reward Collect 25 spin Reward YESTERDAY Free SPIN and COIN links 25 spin link 29.03.2019 Collect 25 spin Reward 2M coin link 29.03.2019 Collect 2M coin Reward 10 spin 1M coin link 29.03.2019 Collect 10 spin 1M coin Reward Free SPIN and COIN links 2019 10 spin 1M coin link 28.03.2019 Collect 10 spin 1M coin Reward 10 spin 1M coin link 28.03.2019 Collect 10 spin 1M coin Reward 2M coin link 28.03.2019 Collect 2M coin Reward 2M coin link 28.03.2019 Collect 2M coin Reward 2M coin link 27.03.2019 Collect 2M coin Reward 25 spin link 27.03.2019 Collect 25 spin Reward 25 spin link 26.03.2019 Collect 25 spin Reward 2M coin link 26.03.2019 Collect 2M coin Reward 25 spin link 26.03.2019 Collect 25 spin Reward 25 spin link 26.03.2019 Collect 25 spin Reward 10 spin 1M coin link 26.03.2019 Collec...

34 Sfaturi 8 Ball Pool

Sfat 1 #: Dacă nu mai aveți monede, puteți să le cereți unor prieteni. Sfat 2 #: Cumpărați monede pentru a trece mai repede la niveluri mai mari. Sfat 3 #: Redarea pe niveluri mai înalte oferă mai mult XP. Sfat 4 #: Puteți practica offline atunci când nu aveți conexiune la internet. Sfat 5 #: Folosiți funcția de rotire pentru a controla bila albă după ce a lovit. Sfat 6 #: Cumpărați bani în numerar pentru a obține cele mai bune indicii Premium. Sfat 7 #: Veți câștiga bani în numerar de fiecare dată când vă ridicați nivelul. Sfat 8 #: Turneele au un timp de împușcare și un timp total pentru a menține rapid meciurile. Sfat 9 #: Puteți schimba poziția barei de alimentare în setări. Sfat 10 #: O minge trebuie să atingă o pernă dacă nu se face o oală sau o lovitură este un fault. Sfat 11 #: Puteți adăuga orice jucător ca prieten, dacă doriți să-l contestați încă o dată. Sfat 12 #: Asigurați-vă că verificați temporizatorul fotografiei când efectuați mutarea. Sfat 13 #: Încercați să veniți în...


Hello! My name is Georgian Cristescu, and i will give you some Reward links for 8 Ball Pool How to claim this links? It's simple!  Just Click Below 8 Ball Pool Reward Links And Get Reward REWARD LINKS BELOW 1-  CLICK HERE  1 2-  CLICK HERE 2 3-  CLICK HERE 3 4-  CLICK HERE 4 5-  C LICK HERE 5

How do I get more coins and cash in 8-ball pool?

There is a tool working and it is awesome! Check this out:  Tricks by Dave Kingston on 8 Ball Pool For gaming tips: 8 ball pool is really a great game as it has some awesome features and great gameplay.There are ton of tips that you can follow to become a mastermind in 8 ball pool. Tip no 1:- Become a coin collector.This may sound weird but it's true, wanna be a good 8 ball pool player then become a coins collector.But what these means?It's too simple there are chances that every hour you get some coins. Whether it is from your Facebook login or from watching adverts.Never spend this coins flawlessly. Let them turn into a big amount. Once it turns into a big amount.Use those to buy the best of the best cue. Once you get the best cue you become the guy with a good cue and girls may attract towards it. Ah just kidding. But yeah girls really get attracted. Cue man time to get the show on the road. Tip No:- 2. Once you get the best cue it's time to give the best shot...

The Best Strategy to Earn Bitcoins With

What is is a  Bitcoin faucet , that pays you a certain amount of Bitcoins every hour. Simple as that. Once you reach the payout threshold, the Bitcoins will be paid out to your wallet automatically. When we talk about faucets, we are talking about  Satoshis . Satoshi is not another coin, it is just the term for 0.00000001 Bitcoin. The amount that you get depends on the Bitcoin price. At the moment (July 2017) we are at around 50 to 100 Satoshis per hour. There have been many faucet's or faucet networks over the years, but this is still one of the best and one of the very few that have survived until now. ​The site is legit, as I have received coins for myself, and it also offers a betting game and reward programs. There are certain  strategies  to maximize your earnings, and there are tons of videos out there, that promise you an easy passive income with that site. Most (if not all) is of it just not true, so don't fall for that...


How do I earn money online by playing games? So are you ready to start earning a few extra rupees by playing android games on your smartphone? MOBILE PREMIER LEAGUE (MPL) The MPL (Mobile Premier League) mobile gaming app has the most common mobile games which we used to play since the smartphone came into the trend. Like, my best timepass mobile games are fruit ninja, temple run bubble shoot, cricket etc. MPL has all kind of these games integrated into it. Everyone can have a good score by practising these games as they are the basic games only. The process is very simple. What you do : Just Play games! How much you're paid : 1 Re. to 15000 Rs. per tournament! How you get paid : PayPal, bank account, UPI. How much you need to make before cashing out : 1 Re. Platform : Android. Or, a real method teste by me, is Eazegames This new platform just started and gives away free cash prizes to its players. It offers games such as Pool, Color Pin and Tower stack and i...

How to Get Netflix for Free

Netflix  is a streaming service with a ton of great content, including original shows and movies you can't watch anywhere else. Between increasing membership fees, and tough economic times, not everyone can afford to subscribe, but there are a few ways to watch Netflix for free. Sharing Netflix Accounts with Friends or Family The basic Netflix plan only allows you to watch one show or movie at a time, but the standard and premium plans allow you to watch multiple things on multiple devices. With the standard plan, you can watch up to two things at once, and the premium plan allows you to stream up to four shows or movies at the same time. The standard Netflix plan doesn't support HD streaming, so if you know anyone with a Netflix subscription, there's a good chance they have the standard or premium plan. If they trust you enough to give you their password, you can log in and watch whatever you want without interfering with their binge-watching....

7 Simple Ways to Make Money on Amazon

So, hands up if you do almost all your shopping on Amazon? Amazon is one of the most profitable companies in the world and its founder, Jeff Bezos, is currently the richest man in the world. Love it or hate it, Amazon is here to stay – and it’s going to become more and more powerful as the years go on. Luckily, Amazon provides LOADS of ways for you to share in its wealth! Yes, that’s right, Amazon offers plenty of different opportunities to make money online, and here are 7 of the best ways to  make money on Amazon . Don’t get left behind as Amazon continues its path towards world domination. If you want to get involved and you’re wondering how to make money on Amazon, just pick one of these ideas and start making Amazon pay YOU today! 7 awesome ways to earn money with Amazon 1. Sell products on Amazon Selling physical products on Amazon is probably the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to making money on Amazon. The good news is, this side...